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'Picture, Picture' Featuring: Zeb Andrews

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‘Picture, Picture’
The Photographer Behind the Photos

Episode 5 Featuring: Zeb Andrews
Portland Holgarama Photographer

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The Photographer: Zeb Andrews
The Photographs: Holgaramas

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Artist statement for this work:

There are three aspects to these Holgaramas that I value.

The first is their ability to conform the shape of my frame to my subject, instead of the other way around. That freedom allows me to break out of the square/rectangular box we photographers often imprison ourselves within. The shape of the frame was not something I gave much thought to until I started making these Holgaramas, and then I realized I spent more energy trying to fit the world into a constrictive rectangular frame instead of creating the frame to fit what I saw in the world.

The second is the opportunity I have to move locations between exposures, allowing the final perspective to involve points of view that would otherwise break laws of physics to be possible in a single frame. This allows me to see the same subject matter from two different places simultaneously, or to move along a path through the landscape I am photographing, building the Holgarama as I go.

The third is that Holgaramas allow me to play with time. Each exposure is still a unique slice of time but the final Holgarama is a combination of several slices, not always made contemporaneously.  Part of a scene can occur on one day while the rest on the next.  I could create a scene that spans different weather or seasons, even. 

While these resulting photographs have been interesting and fun, the real reward to working with this technique has been the changes it has wrought upon my own vision and way I see both the world and world of photography.

About Zeb:
Zeb Andrews has lived his entire life in the Pacific Northwest, wandering its trails and photographing every opportunity he gets.  His day job is at Blue Moon Camera and Machine, a pretty awesome camera shop if he does say so himself.  Working at a camera store has led him down many adventurous paths in his photography and inspired him to try many different cameras and films over the years.  While his work is as varied as his curiosity, he has carried around a Holga for over a decade and found numerous ways to put that simple plastic camera to good use.  One series of images he has created with this camera he calls Holgaramas, and they involve using multiple shots across an entire (or more than an entire) roll of film, piecing the individual frames together like a puzzle to create images in ways he cannot do with single frames.  Having added to this collection over several years, he has had time to refine both his technique in making them as well as his thoughts regarding his motivations behind these Holgaramas and what they have taught him about the process of photography.

Before the virtual meeting:

RSVP once we get closer to the event: HERE. This is how you will find the info needed to join the Zoom meeting. If you would like to get the invite directly in your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter.

Download Zoom onto your computer in advance. Make sure you have a mic and speaker set up to participate. Heads up, everyone is muted upon entering. Just touch the space bar to talk.

About our new online series, ‘Picture Picture’

‘Picture, Picture’ The Photographer Behind the Photos, airs once a month in place of our meetings and outings until COVID clears. Once we get back to monthly in-person meets and outings, we will continue to host this series as an online event to embrace our extended photographic community across the world.

Due to COVID-19

We do ask if you find this series valuable please consider becoming a member or a regular donor via our website. If you would like to contribute one time please use $CASH app or PayPal . As a business, we still have expenses and without our monthly, in-person events our club is running low on funding. If you value the programming and community we ask that you consider contributing. We wouldn't be able to run our club as we do without your support. Thank you!

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